Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The Universal Fantasy Supplement

Calling All Grogs, especially those from San Francisco!
I'd like some info about The Universal Fantasy Supplement by Clint Bigglestone, friend to the gaming stars of 1970s California. It's not so well known, I'm guessing because actually it's a wargaming supplement. I think it was designed to add a generic Chainmail Fantasy Appendix to other ancient and medieval wargames rules around at the time. It's not a big book, about 32 pages. As far as I can tell there are twenty or so monster types with statistics which use general wargaming tropes (eg. treat as Light Infantry) as well as a tabletop magic system and several different kinds of Magic-User. I'm trying to find a copy and when (if) I do, I'm going to expand this post.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

The Palace of the Vampire Queen, Part 4

The Palace of the Vampire Queen lives on...  
There are versions of this classic adventure available from Precis Intermedia Games and from Pacesetter Games.

Pacesetter Games have expanded the original dungeon and have just released Level Four and are calling it *Wicked Whispers*.. The pdf only version is £8. I'm not endorsing it as I haven't read it, but I think it's great that there are legs in this old game left.

The Book of Elder Magic

The Book of Elder Magic by Daniel Boggs
If you're into the original game or WBFMAG or any other ODnD clone, the Book of Elder Magic is certainly something you should look at.  
It's an expanded spell book for Clerics and Magic-Users based on the author's extensive research into OD&D.... 0ed ie how DnD might have turned out if Gary Gygax hadn't been in such a hurry to publish and had added in Dave Arneson's ideas and play test corrections instead. The full set of rules Daniel has come up with is called Champions of ZED (zero edition) and also the game engine which powers the Lost Dungeons of Tanisborg.  
This book consists of all of the spells from ODnD plus the extra ones gleaned from Arneson's notes and other early play testers. They are completely compatible with ODnD, Champions of ZED, and in fact, any other clone based on ODnD, B/X, Holmes or BECMI.  
The softback is about $8 on Drivethru.